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Home » Russian Futures 2030: A Glimpse Into The Future

Russian Futures 2030: A Glimpse Into The Future


The Chaillot Paper series, launched in 1991, is named after the Chaillot hill in the Trocadéro area of Paris. This is where the Institute for International Relations and Strategic Affairs is located. The Institute publishes papers on a range of international security issues, with a focus on Europe, Russia, and the Middle East.

The Chaillot Papers are a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and anyone interested in understanding international affairs. The Institute works to promote dialogue and understanding between different countries and cultures. They also play a key role in building bridges between academics, policymakers, and the public.

The Chaillot Papers are known for their high quality and objective analysis. The Institute strives to provide a balanced and impartial perspective on the issues they address. Their work is often cited by leading scholars and experts in the field of international relations.

The Chaillot Paper series has a wide reach. Their papers are translated into several languages and distributed to a global audience. The Institute also holds regular conferences and workshops, bringing together leading experts from around the world to discuss key security challenges.

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